Want to Look Younger? Oui! Oui!


Have you ever been plagued with the curiosity as to whether or not radiant-skinned, ageless French women are just genetically blessed, or do they know something about skincare that they’ve failed to share with the rest of us? Well, we can assure you that it has nothing to do with their DNA, and everything to do with their conscience. A multi-step regimen that begins as preteens is their key to maintaining skin as light and bright as the Eiffel Tower.

In France, taking care of your skin is a ritual that is not to be rushed or seen as a task or chore. Putting in time is what they believe leads to achieving the goal of healthy, glowing skin.

Here are 5 principles the French follow:

1. Appreciate the Process: Caring for their skin is a pleasure and not a burden. It is taught from an early age to prioritize their daily ritual to make them look and feel better. {And younger!}

2. Partner with a Professional: The French believe that developing a close, decades-long relationship with their aesthetician is essential. These professionals become a trusted ally in the ever present anti-aging battle. The French also do not self diagnose, and understand the value in visiting a professional to prevent them from wasting time and money on inappropriate or ineffective products. {Just say NO to Googling your skin qualms!}

3. Baby your Skin: Professionals emphasize the importance of being gentle with your skin. Harsh treatments may trigger inflammation, and inflammation can make skin age faster. It is important to seek a professional that subscribes to this thinking.

4. Don’t Stop at the Décolletage: For the French, beauty treatments do not end at the neck. They apply the same rigor and discipline to keeping their body skin soft as they do to preserving their faces.

5. Get your beauty sleep: The French see starting the day before the birds as a big mistake. Sleep repairs the body and minimizes the aging effects of stress. When in France, do as the French do and get a solid 8.5 hours of sleep a night.