Customized Chemical Peel
A skin-friendly formulation is blended specifically for each patient in order to minimize irritation to the skin, as well as infuse the skin with restorative nutrients. The variety of customizable blends allows for effectively addressing specific skin conditions and individual needs. This professional treatment is designed to improve and enhance the skin’s appearance by helping to reduce the depth of surface lines, smooth rough skin texture, and treat discoloration and redness. This service includes a post-treatment kit to care for your newly refreshed skin!
Face Reality Acne Chemical Peel
The Face Reality® system works by taking into account the type of acne you have, the type of skin you have and how fast your skin adapts to products. This service is a system that combines getting a treatment every 2-3 weeks and using homecare products to get your acne under control in around 3-4 months, pending you use only these products exactly as they are intended and that you come in regularly for treatment.
The high quality blended peels have multiple purposes that include thorough exfoliation, softening of comedones and lightening dark spots. They also prepare the skin for maximum absorption of the homecare products. We will push the skin to clear with products that penetrate the pore where acne starts. We do not push the skin past it’s tolerance however, so as to prevent your skin from becoming dry and irritated. The products prevent new acne lesions from forming. Let us be the last place you ever go to finally get clear skin!