5 Things You Can Do TODAY to Keep Acne Away!


1. Ice, Ice, Baby! Ice helps to keep inflamed lesions from getting worse, and often makes them go away. Cleanse first, then grab an ice cube (or fill a Dixie cup with water and freeze it) and ice your zits for a minute or two.

2. Pass on the Peanuts! Cease from eating peanut butter, peanuts, or anything containing peanut oil. Peanuts contain a hormone that acne thrives on. If you love your PB&J’s too much to quit them, switch to unsalted almond butter!

3. Say NO to Fabric Softener & Dryer Sheets! Yes we love our clothing and sheets to feel silky smooth, but the waxy residue left behind from these products is the softness you feel, and is unfortunately pore clogging.

4. A Salty Trick: Use uniodized salt at home. Iodides are a culprit in food that irritates the follicle walls of your skin causing you to break out.

5. Zinc it Up! Start taking zinc supplements. This anti-inflammatory mineral calms irritation in the epidermis, as well as helps to heal acne. But don’t take it on an empty stomach – eat up before you zinc up!